Sunday 6 November 2016

Students Rally for Mosquito Eradication

VIJAYAWADANovember 6, 2016

Over 300 municipal school students led by the corporators and officials of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation took out an awareness rally on mosquito eradication as part of the ‘Domalapai Dandayatra’ programme.

While all the corporators conducted the programme in their respective divisions, a mega rally was organised in Satyanarayana Puram with the students of the A.K.T.P Municipal High School taking part in it.

The students went around the streets holding placards displaying messages to educate public on mosquito eradication and prevention of spreading of the menace that is causing viral fevers and other seasonal diseases.
Local corporators, VMC biologist A. Nookaraju, Deputy Educational Officer K. Durga Prasad, sanitary staff and others took part in the rally.

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